Thats London Baby on Instagram!


After almost a year of London Baby (wow, time flies!), I am happy to announce the LondonBaby Social Media Family has welcomed another member: @thatslondonbabyblog on Instagram! Check it out (and follow, if you like) here! 

Also, feel free to share great pictures – I am sure they might be better than mine 🙂


3,000 Visitors! Thank you!

Dear all,  a big thank you for reading and following That’s London Baby! It’s a small blog but I hope to grow it over time to share the joys of our great city.
Today,  there was the 3,000th visitor  on this page and I am so excited! My country challenge of having a visitor from each country in the world is also still ongoing,  but on a good way with 75 countries 🙂
Thanks to all of you for visiting,  reading and sharing!

Sober October, Stoptober? Not with London Baby! Exciting times ahead!

Time is flying and London Baby is now existing for a bit more than 6 months! It’s October and in the tube and on billboards, it screams “STOPtober” and “Sober October” – all for a noble cause but does not sound like fun! The good news is that London Baby is far from stopping – on the contrary, after the summer break, I have been busy with a few ideas, reaching out for feedback and trying to make connections within the bloggers’ sphere.

Therefore, I am very excited to tell you that it will be a great October (and hopefully more months) ahead here on London baby!

  • London Baby’s first invitation to a blogger’s event, organised by the lovely people from Footprints of London. As London Baby Readers, you might know about their Festival of Literary Walks this October (if you don’t, check Rob’s Guest Post with a sneak preview!) – and they invited us to the launch event – hopefully something worthy to report on 🙂
  • As you can see from the picture in the blog post header, London Baby now got their own Mini Cards! They look pretty cool and hopefully they’ll help to spread the word:)
  • There will be a guest blog post on Halloween in Theatreland
  • There are a few regular posts cooking, on the capital ring and on Art and Exhibitions this fall
  • Last but not least- I am very excited to announce a big project for me on this blog:


My goal with this blog is to share “my London (adventures)” with you readers. Writing blog posts has been a lot of fun for me and I sincerely hope that they contain useful information and will make you as excited about these things as I am. However, writing them costs a lot of time, so posting has not been as frequent as I would have loved to. At the same time, one of the most common (and helpful) feedback I have gotten is “the posts are very interesting, but they are sooooo long, so I often don’t read them or just scroll through them”… So I thought of ways to improve this situation. And I came up with a challenge for myself – writing a small post every day. This can be just a picture, or a small recommendation, or a commentary of what’s going on. I am not sure where it will lead to. And if I can make it all 365 days. And whether you’ll like it. But I  want to give it a go. This will not mean the “regular” posts will be a thing of the past- I still aim to post them in about the same frequency as today, to tell more in-depth stories and (hopefully) working together with great guest bloggers.

I aim to launch #365daysoflondonbaby towards the end of the month when i have built up a few ideas and first posts. And I also wanted to ask YOU if you like to be part of it! Do you have any great ideas, favourite places, quirky observations that you like to share? But you never considered yourself a (guest) blogger? Let me know and you might be one of the 365 days. Yes, it will make my job easier 🙂 but most of all- I hope that this could also make the blog more interactive, a true place of sharing London.

I am very much looking forwards to this new adventure, and I hope you’ll enjoy it too!

London Baby Summer Guest Takeover!

Happy Summer

Dear all,

after the first 3 months of operations, I hope that London Baby has passed the probation period of sharing a bit of London with you. I certainly learnt a lot in those three months (especially that blogging costs time :))) and I am very excited and looking forward to evolve and change the blog as it continues. Feedback is always more than welcome so please let me know what you think about it.

Before continuing, London Baby is taking a small summer break but that does not mean nothing will happen. On the contrary, I am very excited to announce that the editor of our “sister baby blog” Ramallah Baby will be taking over, sharing her London knowledge and even inviting a guest blogger or two!

So stay tuned for some new and exciting posts! And in case you are finding yourself missing Baby Power, check out !

Happy Summer!

May challenge – Finish Line and a Big Thank you!

May challenge finalMay is (almost) over and so the May challenge has come to an end.  Did I make the goal of getting a click of each country in the world? No! Am I amazed by the power of the Internet? Yes! Thank you for sharing the message and for visiting That’s London Baby from more than 60 countries (62 and counting)I hope you enjoyed the visit and come back 🙂 Please get if you enjoy the site, have any feedback, tips or anything else! London Baby will be on vacation for the next week, so no new posts, but the Twitter and Facebook pages might have the one or other update.

And don’t forget….free walks in London this weekend! Check out all info’s here! 

Small changes and May Challenge Update

Its been a busy weekend for London Baby! Taking advantage of the great weather last weekend, London Baby has been out and about exploring two new sections of the Capital Ring and the lovely neighbourhoods of East Finchley and Muswell Hill. I have also been thinking on where to go with the blog and what type of content to write on in the future. While I enjoy writing about the Capital Ring, I don’t want to bore you with 15 massive posts and then retire 🙂 Taking into account the very helpful feedback I had from you lovely readers, and with the help of the lovely lady behind marketing blog Squirrels and Bears, I made some small changes to the blog, adding categories, pages and playing with the layout. All of this is work in progress but I hope you’ll enjoy the changes and the new content to come (hopefully soon!).

The May Challenge of getting a click around the world has also gotten a great boost from the session, and the tally is now an incredible 53 countries – showing the list is now too long but the map is really getting some colour! This is very exiting for me and I appreciate all those visitors so much. Thank you for sharing the page with your friends! May challenge 19th May

That’s London Baby Around the World – challenge week 1 update

The first week of the challenge is over and I want to say thanks for all the new visitors. I hope that while helping me to fulfill this silly little dream, you enjoyed visiting the site (and tell international friends to visit as well :))

There have been visitors from 19 different countries now all together, and the map looks now much more impressive because of a first visitor from Russia 🙂

may country challenge - May 9th

Thanks again and keep spreading the word – below a list of the 19 countries :). Oh, and there will be a new blog post up this weekend to make the visit worthwhile!

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May challenge….That’s London Baby Around The World!

New month, new challenge! This is London Baby writing from Scotland!

That’s London Baby is now a bit over a month old and I am still very exciting about it! I would like to post a bit more often, but I realised that writing takes more time than thought, but I still want to put on good quality 🙂

As most newbies probably, I am keeping a keen eye on the statistics of the site. My favourite is the map of the world – below a snapshot of my world map since the start of the blog:

TLB Country Stats 1 May 2015

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That’s London Baby Facebook site up and running!

Good morning!

I am happy to announce that this blog has now a sibling on Facebook:

Next to featuring the blogposts, I aim to share up-to-date links from other great London resource, so this page can be the start for all types of explorations and a place to share tips!

Hope you find one or the other inspiration for your Easter weekend there!

How it all started…

In my first real blog post, I want to go back in the past to give you  a bit more background on how I came to discover London and how all the tips and tiny pieces of wisdom I hope to share on this blog in the future came into existence.

Contrary to what I aim to do with this blog, this post will not contain many specific tips on any London Areas, so you might want to skip directly to the next post that contains actual tips on how you can get started on exploring London by foot

As a disclaimer- I am not a trained tour guide and I have followed no classes, courses or any of the like. I am not even a historian (I still mess up all the English Kings when on walks). I am just a hobby explorer.

My walking story

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